Setting your price

It’s important to remember you’re not selling electricity; you are renting your charger.  The price you set needs to take into account:

  • What the electricity costs you (you may need to check your tariff)
  • Wear and tear on your charger
  • The 12% (10% plus VAT) that the app will keep to run Co Charger and pay fees for things like the payment transactions
  • An allowance for electricity used up in the transfer to the car.  This varies depending on many factors but can be anything up to 15%.
  • A reasonable amount to reward you for providing the service.

We have provided a host rate calculator to make it really easy to experiment with the numbers and decide on a fair price: 

Minimum price is simple: how much is the minimum that a Chargee should pay for a session, to make it worth your while in setting the session up?  Keep in mind that beyond the first one or two sessions, you probably need to do nothing beyond confirming the session data so you can get paid.  The minimum setting is £1.

Charger types

Most modern electric vehicles on the market today operate on a “Type 2” charger.  The images below should help you select the correct type.